About Us
We are a voluntary group, passionate about raising awareness about human-created environmental issues and promoting conscious consumerism.
What We Do
We work to tackle environmental issues on many fronts
Raise awareness about the effects of human-created harm to our environment
Educate the community on how each of our everyday decisions actively contributes to aggravating environmental issues
Encourage sustainable products and practices in everyday-living essential to a better, safer, and healthier life

Who We Are
In December of 2018, a handful of friends got connected on some common questions “What is happening in the environment?” “What are we doing to this Earth and all the natural resources of this planet?” All of them felt a need to address these issues, at the grassroots level. Thus a voluntary group called “Green Cell ATL” was formed. Information booths, workshops, volunteer events, associations with many organizations became the way to raise awareness and demonstrate easy-to-adapt solutions. A small initiative that was started with a handful of volunteers, in a few months' time, has grown into an army of 50+ passionate volunteers.